Education Goals

The quality education system at Paul Mitchell The School Modesto includes providing an outstanding learning facility, experienced and competent instructors, and a curriculum developed through years of experience and expertise. Our goals are:

  1. To educate students to be professional, knowledgeable and skilled Cosmetology, Barbering, Esthetician, or Manicuring for marketability within the industry.
  2. To maintain an updated program that provides students with the knowledge needed to compete in the field of study.
  3. To promote the continuing educational growth of the faculty and students, using current teaching methods and techniques.
  4. To teach courtesy and professionalism as the foundation of a successful career in Cosmetology, Barbering, Esthetician or Manicuring.
  5. To prepare the student to successfully pass the State Licensing Exam for entry level employment. To train and graduate students while empowering them.